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Who would you vote for if you could vote ?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Channel One News 10/28/08

Affermitive actions
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Jessica Kumari issue Colorado and Nebraska London Johnson free to do what you want quotas point systems diversity of race Kate Melvin collage Lynda Rodriguez Kate does not look for hand outs amendent 46 racial discrimination has not stopped Charles Gillford channel one news more intelligent Charles sounds more he thinks he is passing collage. Prof. Mellisa Mart

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Channel One News 10/23/08

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Justin finch Channel one news locker polls Steven Fablin
polls how do they work presidential rate population primary phone is a cell phone fine print error polls are where the race stands mark one vote dates Gary Hamilton share the wealth 925,000,000 dollars Tom Szold remap the moons surface Hannah van Wrinkle Dana Perino global financial channelone.com solder London Olympics 26.2 miles Mary Winterberg

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Channel One News 10/22/08

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Steven channel one news 400,000 dollars teen age died in a car wreck 75% are not angry poll army war Hannah Van Winkle application assault applications are not taking any chances Saxha Thiem collage your turn channel one. com hear it now we the kings one vote Steven fablin Ben fiscal money 700,000,000,000 dollar save out 150,000,00,000 dollars Bertine 22 states Justin finch glory rd thunder pro mom university of Texas named rookie of the year Cobby Briant academic award 1 more thing eagle learned how to fly

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Channel One News 10/15/08

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0McCain channel one news starts now debate smoothly top story Justin flinch 2:30 news paper 3,500 4,00dollars 20 dollars loan students scholar ship parents 20,000 dollars arts foreign applications channel one.com hear it now tygr stage Obama McCain street light yellow light red light loan small business George Bush 9 major banks gas prices gone down Tom Kloza 2.75 Hannah fire Arnold schwarzenegger 60 seconds one vote Steven Jessica candidates 16 Crystal Kruz barrack Obama debate go around the question party other party vote for who you want

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Channel One News 10/9/08

money Wednesday interest rates regulate small reserves stealing wells Fargo what they have dominoes Kristina aig international office court people economically chairman channel one news Thomas get fit bush dancing weight lifting bike riding door 18 teen year old vote air port candid 1/5 voters not old enough to vote tell teens markets scares 17 year old news wall st boss delight collapse DJ summer interest running around project shocked jase shock waves young people mall credit card car cell phone collage scholar ship melt down fiance stock market pop quiz Washington monument doubles architecture structure built for first president turning white house into a pink house